Our hands can show the signs of ageing even more quickly than our faces, so it pays to spend time protecting your paws.
Only 10 Minutes A Day And Your Hands Will Look Like 20s
Despite this, we’re all guilty of taking far better care of our facial skin, even though our hands are just as exposed to the elements, and vulnerable to the likes of premature wrinkles and dark spots.
If you want to keep your mitts looking youthful, simply follow these simple remedies to get rid of these wrinkles


Experts say that this powerful food helps to restore elasticity. It’s very simple – take the egg whites and mix them with one tablespoon of honey. Then grease the hands with this mixture and let them dry. Wash with soap and water. Continue Reading Page 2>>
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  1. LMFAO at the pic of an old woman's hand next to a very young woman's hand, as though that's a 'before and after'!!! How stupid do u think people are? P*ss off.
